

When David originally joined Fixation in March 1998, it was as temporary help for the Admin team, of which his sister was a part at the time.  But when an opportunity to train as a technician arose, David made the move to the workshop and received training from both Barry and Mick.  During the period that Fixation was official repairer of Kodak’s DCS pro range, David was the primary technician involved, but now he specialises in the Canon 1D models.  David considers himself a “real” Game of Thrones fan, by which he means he was an avid reader of the books long before the television series came along.  A big sports fan, he enjoys playing pool and snooker, but his big love is for Liverpool FC and unsurprisingly he counts Bill Shankley among his heroes.  At home he is often called upon to act as referee – by breaking up fights between Felix and Kitty, his two warring cats!

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