Tips & Tricks | When should you clean your sensor? Image

Its always a good time to check that your camera is in good working order and that all important sensor is free from dust.

As any professional photographer will know, the build-up of dust on a DSLR sensor can have an adverse effect on the final shot, especially apparent in light areas of the scene when a small aperture is used and the image is viewed at a high resolution. DSLR sensors are a magnet for dust so professional maintenance is very important. While there are steps that can be taken to avoid exposure, dust build-up is inevitable, which is why sensor cleaning becomes necessary on a regular basis.

We are often asked how often sensor cleaning is needed. There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the frequency of use and working environment that your camera is exposed to. We recommend you check your sensor by taking a picture of a clear background or blue sky with a small f-stop and checking the image at 100% on a computer. This should be done before any important job, event or trip away to make sure you have clear images when it’s most important.

Here’s a handy tip of how to keep your sensor clean for longer.

Attach a double-sided sticky tab on the inside of your body cap and rear lens cap. If any large pieces of errant dust are floating around on the back of your lens, or in the mirror box, they will stick to the tab and not the sensor.

Sticky tabs on the inside of body and lens caps will help attract unwanted dust.

Be careful not to use high-tack sticky tape or you’ll have issues removing it from the inside of your cap when it needs changing.

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